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Fonts (3)
NamePreview NamePreview

Adobe Type 1 Font

1993-10-26 (33KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1993-10-26 (64KB)

TrueType Font

1993-10-26 (36KB)

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 2 54b 1987-07-17
ma______.afm Text File 172 7KB 1993-10-26
ma______.cfg Text File 19 467b 1993-10-26
ma______.inf Text File 26 475b 1993-10-26
masis.afm Text File 172 7KB 1993-10-26
papazian.txt Text File 69 2KB 1993-10-09
readme.txt Text File 49 2KB 1993-10-26
windows.txt Text File 50 3KB 1993-10-09

Other Files (1)
ma______.pfm Printer Font Metrics 670b 1993-10-26